Monday: Severe allergies.
- I went through a roll and a half of toilet paper and finished up a box of Kleenex. By severe I mean perma nose faucet and continual sneezing from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (which was about the time I ate dinner, took a healthy dose of Benadryl, and peaced out to the world for about the next 14 hours).
Tuesday: Food poisoning.
- Dear Joe Banditos restaurant,
I hate you. I hate you with the passion of a thousand suns. Not only did you make me throw up 7 times yesterday (one of which was in Walmart. WALMART! Worst place ever to have to throw up fyi), but also for the fever, dehydration, and 12 minutes of sleep that I got last night.
- Food Poisoning hangover.
- I'm fairly certain if things continue to go the way they have the past two days, I should have finished all the plagues by Saturday or Sunday.
Morals of Post:
- Amanda Bynes, really? Life sure is rough.
- Joe Banditos caused 5 people to have to call in sick to their work and think they were going to die. We ALL hate you.
I just wanted to let you know, I got your Amanda Bynes joke. And then I laughed.